Monday, July 25, 2011

Scripture Memory Verse

Rejoice in the Lord, always. Again, I say...REJOICE!!!

Philippians 4:4


1. Talk to your kids about what it means to "rejoice"...explore the definition and think of times when they've been truly joyful...not just happy, but truly full of joy.

2. Consider with your kids that we are to feel that same joy about God. What things about God and what He's done for us might cause us to feel that happy?

3. The verse says "always"...what does that mean? What if things go badly, are we allowed to stop rejoicing in God?

These songs reinforce the verse: The song as I remember it. Good for our younger kids. a more rock and roll version for older kids.


What a reminder. Rejoice! We know what it means, but do we really KNOW? Certainly the dictionary says, "To be delighted, feel joyful, fill with joy, gladden". But when was the last time you rejoiced? When was the last time you felt completely full of God's goodness to the point that you were filled with joy? Perhaps its been too long. Perhaps you're wondering if you'll ever feel it again.

What are we to do? Pray. Talk to God, try to get in step with Him...and the only way to do that is to communicate and take the time to know Him. Surround yourself with others who believe and ask them to pray for you. God is with you today, tomorrow, and forever. May you feel it and be able to rejoice again!

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