Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ask a Question Saturday

Okay, so when we worked at Bible camp I used to get a TOTAL kick out of the activity entitled, "From the Box"...basically we invited the kids to write any question they wanted on a sheet of paper, put it in a box, and the counselors would take out questions and answer them the best they could. Let's face it, asking questions is fun...why do you think my three year old loves saying, "Why?" every time I tell her something?!?!

So, here's what I propose...ask me a question...and I will do my best to answer it. (It might be helpful if we kept the questions to motherhood since that's what the blog is about, but if you want to ask me about something else, I"m up for it....if it's about quantum engineering, however, I'm not promising that the answer is going to be accurate!)

Ready? Set....Go!
Please post your questions below or message me at stacyathope(at sign)yahoo(dot)com.


Sue Werner said...

Ok - I don't know what happened. I just found your blog after seeing you fb post about the Easter Egg dying. So I've been reading all your posts for like the last hour...commenting on many of them. Now I see none of my comments posted?? Oh well. Long story short. I LOVE your blog Stacy. Your are one amazing women & mother! So my question - not entertaining, however, is - how long ago did you start your blog?? It is fantastic!

Randi said...

How often do you shave your legs when it's not summertime?

What are some of your family's go-to meals?

Do you have a cleaning schedule of any kind? (or "goal"...since sometimes it's impossible to follow a schedule!)

Stacy L.S. Christianson said...

Sue and Randi! Thanks SO Much for making my blog part of your day. :) Sue, I started it three weeks ago, so you haven't missed much! As you might have gathered from the earliest posts I am single-momming it while Chad is working in Duluth and this is my keeps me focused on ENJOYING my single-mom-ed-ness and gives me a place to get rid of extra thoughts and words that don't have an outlet right now with Chad and I not being face to face (we're not the best at talking on the phone or even via skype...its just not the same, you know?!). Anyhow, I'm sorry about the comments not showing up...I LOVE comments and would have loved to have read your thoughts. Enjoy your Saturday, ladies!