The meal is'll notice in the title it gets an exclamation point after its name...this is because whenever my kids hear we're having them for supper they say, "Calzones! Hooray!"
Here's the easiest way I know to make them:
Preheat your oven to 425.
Mix your crust mix together per the instructions. An example of what you might use is this.

On days when I'm on the ball I like to make a whole wheat pizza crust in the bread machine...let's be honest, though...with four kids and no spouse living here "on the ball" doesn't happen much!
While the dough rises I cover a pan with tinfoil, then spray with cooking spray. (The tinfoil is just so that clean up is easier...lazy? Maybe. Use recycled tinfoil and then recycle it yourself when you're'll feel less guilty.) You'll notice that my photos do not have tinfoil on them...I was out of tinfoil. Boo! ;(
Once the dough is risen I divide it into the number of portions I need. I then stretch it out on the pan into a rectangle shape. You can do any shape you like...for space purposes rectangles seem to take up the least amount of space.
Once laid out I invite the kids to deck them out...cheese, pepperonis, browned ground beef, browned ground turkey, veggies, etc. Then I fold the dough over and pinch closed. Then I make sure there is adequate ventilation by poking a hole.
Throw in the oven and leave until the cheese is oozing out the top and the crust is a beautiful golden brown. Serve with a side of pizza sauce and some'll have a winner on your hands!
Thanks for the great idea, I made them tonight and they were awesome!
That's AWEsome! So glad to hep out.
So you don't put any sauce on the inside, correct?
That's right....they can dip it in the sauce after its cooked.
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