About my Mom...she is AMAZING. For real. I love her so much...she is smart, sensible, unfailingly kind, servant hearted, creative, able to laugh at herself, hardworking, supportive...I'm not sure there are any positive adjectives that DON'T describe her, to be honest! Maybe not "athletic"...though she is freakishly strong...so maybe she would still qualify as "athletic" too! SHE is superwoman...with a sewing machine.

* She has this fantastic sense of humor
* A faith in God that just doesn't seem to ever waver. She knows what she knows and she KNOWS it.
* She has people in her life who make her nuts...and she is kind to them anyhow.
* She can have a conversation with ANYONE for ANY length of time...which is why she ROCKS at her job at an assisted living residence.
Oh, and I mentioned it before, but she LOVES to sew....and not just pretty things for her house, but gifts for other people and each year her WELCA sewing group of about 4-8 ladies makes 200+ quilts to give away. I'm serious. If you're doing the math that is about 30 quilts per woman! AND my Mom is one of the "young" ones in the group. Talk about hearty women....I'm proud to be of such good stock!
I could go on and on (and on and on) about my Mom (I guess I kind of already have!), but in short...my Mom is my hero...and you know what? I think its because when we were growing up I could tell she LIKED being my Mom. Sure, we drove her nuts...we got spankings...we were disciplined...she pulled her hair more than one or two times...she IS human, afterall (and, to be honest, we were kinda naughty)!

But, despite all that, even at the time, I knew that she LOVED me, she treasured having me as her child, she liked to talk to me, to KNOW me, to be part of my world. She took time whenever she could, even just a few minutes before bed, to spend time with me... Isn't that the bottom line of parenting? That our kids KNOW that we love them? We TALK to them, we LISTEN to them, we dig into life with them, we grow with them, and fail in front of them and have the good sense to admit it and show how to come up with a smile on our face, asking for forgiveness and doing better next time?
Most of all, I am thankful for her modeling for me that Motherhood is a blessing...a treasure...an experience of joy and chaos and laughter and frustration and overwhelming responsibility...an opportunity to let your heart walk around outside your body, to love in a way you've not yet experienced. Thank you, Mom, I love you TOO much!
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